Jude Calvillo

Data Science Leader

Multi-Media Creative

Writer / Critic


Jude Calvillo

Data Science Leader

Multi-Media Creative

Writer / Critic


April 10, 2017 Quora Answer to: What would allow a meal kit delivery company to truly go mainstream?

You essentially have three options here, and I’d humbly suggest you pay particular attention to the third, as the first…

November 2, 2016 Quora Answer to: What is the most accepted academic track to achieve a data science position?

I lead a team of data scientists at Code for San Francisco’s Data Science Working Group and at an A.I.-based startup, and…

January 6, 2016 My Quora Answer to: What is the most effective way for a product manager to conduct a UX satisfaction audit?

“Satisfaction” can be defined a number of ways, but in purely strategic terms -and to everyone’s benefit- you’ll want to,…

December 22, 2015 Quora Answer to: How does a startup convert its users into evangelists the way Apple does?

Strategically, it would be more efficient to focus on identifying -and magnifying- product envangelists than it would be to try and deliberately create evangelists…